"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle"
This quote has made my mind go in to serious over-drive. I've sat here and pondered over it for a good while now. I know I haven't been as nice as I should be to certain people. I'm not a completely mean person, just some people aggravate me a tad bit. But after reading this quote I've realized that being rude or mean to others is pointless. It doesn't even make you feel good, and if it does its only a temporary feeling. And in the end you wind up feeling guilty.
So here is something to think about: You may feel like you want to lash out at someone, but you never know what kind of hardship that person may be facing at the time. Wouldn't you feel absolutely terrible if you were rude to a person and the next day they pass away? I would assume you would feel horrible. So this isn't just something for you to think about, it's something that you could put into action. Even if you're not having a good day, making someone else feel better just might brighten your day instead of bring yourself down even more by hurting some one's feelings. Learn to love others even if they are slightly unbearable. (:
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