Saturday, November 27, 2010
When You're In My Dreams It's No Longer A Dream, It's A Freakin' Nightmare!
Why are you constantly haunting my dreams? Why are you so hard to get out of my head. You're just like a drug, I'm so addicted. It's not like I choose to think about you, I just cant help myself. I wish I had a way to erase you from my memory. I wish I could go back in time and change everything. Things didn't go the way I planned. You acted so strange, weren't acting yourself. And now you're forever haunting my dreams. Forget you? If I could I would, believe me. But that doesn't seem like an option. So until then I'm hooked, praying to get out. Praying to put an end to the madness that you've brought into my life.
Significance of 12:34
For several years now I find myself looking at a clock at the exact time of 12:34. Either AM or PM. And not just wall clocks, but computer clocks, cell phone, ipod, car clock, stove, microwave as well. It's a really random action for me to look at a clock at this exact moment. It's not like I look at the clock 20 minutes or so before this time so I make sure I see it at that exact moment, it just happens. This is so odd to me because the numbers are in order 1,2,3,4. I cant figure out if there is a reason I always see this time. Does this happen to you as well? I have had many psychic things happen to me before, I promise I'm not a loony, psychic things really do happen to me. I can recall one time the word fibromyalgia appeared in my head. Seriously who thinks of a word like that at random? Then 2 seconds later a commercial for lyrica (a fibromyalgia medication) came on TV talking about how to cure this condition. There have been many other things like this happen to me, but that's for another time. The point is why am I seeing 12:34 all the time? Is there an explanation or am I just crazy? Id rather there be an explanation. Please leave comments, I need some feedback!
Why Waste Time Being Anything But Kind?
"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle"
This quote has made my mind go in to serious over-drive. I've sat here and pondered over it for a good while now. I know I haven't been as nice as I should be to certain people. I'm not a completely mean person, just some people aggravate me a tad bit. But after reading this quote I've realized that being rude or mean to others is pointless. It doesn't even make you feel good, and if it does its only a temporary feeling. And in the end you wind up feeling guilty.
So here is something to think about: You may feel like you want to lash out at someone, but you never know what kind of hardship that person may be facing at the time. Wouldn't you feel absolutely terrible if you were rude to a person and the next day they pass away? I would assume you would feel horrible. So this isn't just something for you to think about, it's something that you could put into action. Even if you're not having a good day, making someone else feel better just might brighten your day instead of bring yourself down even more by hurting some one's feelings. Learn to love others even if they are slightly unbearable. (:
Friday, November 26, 2010
Family Feud At Peace
There has always been tension in my immediate family. Between me and my step-mom and between me and my dad. This past Thanksgiving all of my family got together at my grandmothers. I feel like the veil of tension that was place among my family has been lifted. I feel as if there has been closure and we are finally at peace with each other. I know that everything happens for a reason and I feel that the issues between all of us wouldn't have been resolved if certain things hadn't happened. Let's just say I was extremely thankful this past Thanksgiving! (:
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Childhood Was Bliss
I love how when I was a little kid I believed that anything was possible! I believed that the Easter Bunny really did leave me all those little chocolates in my basket and that he did give me my first real bunny. I believed that we got things without having to use money, mostly because I didn't really know what money was. I believed that my parents could do anything that they wanted to. But I came to realize that you couldn't do/have everything that you wanted. Things come with consequences and you have to be careful. Things seem to be more difficult than what they were back then. A lot of things seem far out of reach and no matter how far you stretch out to get it, it's still unreachable. But I'm not going to give up that easily. I know exactly what I want and I wont stop until I get it.
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Teen Romance Novels =
Setting myself up for extremely strange dreams. Dreams that I haven't been having for a long time. Therefore I believe these books I have been reading are to blame. Lately I haven't been reading as much as I would like to seeing as I used to read every single day, but I guess high school ruined that for me. English teachers in high school tend to make up a list of books that you HAVE to read if you have any hopes of passing their class. When I would read these books I wouldn't really be enjoying them, I wasn't really reading for fun anymore. Now don't get me wrong, some of these books weren't half bad, but I just felt like I was being forced to read them. So I stopped reading for fun for a while. And I just recently started up again and let me tell you, that's when the dreams started happening. The only books, for now, that I'm interested in are the fantasy/romance type books. Which would explain why I'm having fantasy's about romance? Sounds pretty lame, but I'm just telling it like it is. These dreams are nothing risque before you go assuming. They are just really far out there dreams that I don't really know why I'm having them. But hey, they keep me entertained!
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Autumn, Fall, Same Difference
It is without a doubt fall. I'm sitting at work gazing out of the front doors, daydreaming as usual. It's a windy day and all I see is yellow and orange leaves floating in the air until they reach their destination on the ground. It's so beautiful outside. It's days just like this that make me want to go grab a rake and gather up as many leaves as i can, then go get a running start and just dive into them! Could I sound anymore like a child?
Car+Candy Logo=Nonsense
Angie asked me to blog about this topic, so here it goes...
What is up with the candy logos that people are getting printed on their cars? What's the point in it? I feel that it is getting a little ridiculous. Now, I can understand if people want to support their favorite brands and what not, but what is the point in having to drive around in a car dedicated to it. T-shirts, purses, jewelry, etc is understandable, but cars? And It's not only candy logos, It's also food, cigarettes, and gum brands. Come on guys, really?... And the thing that really gets me about this is that these people aren't even making a profit off of the advertisement they are doing. They probably don't even realize that they are advertising for these brands. So overall, the people who make these brands are making FREE money from all the FREE advertising they are getting. I see these cars everywhere! And I'm extremely tempted to just ask one of these people one day why they have a car like that, just out of curiosity. It really makes me wonder if they are or aren't getting paid for riding around in these cars.
......enough said.
What is up with the candy logos that people are getting printed on their cars? What's the point in it? I feel that it is getting a little ridiculous. Now, I can understand if people want to support their favorite brands and what not, but what is the point in having to drive around in a car dedicated to it. T-shirts, purses, jewelry, etc is understandable, but cars? And It's not only candy logos, It's also food, cigarettes, and gum brands. Come on guys, really?... And the thing that really gets me about this is that these people aren't even making a profit off of the advertisement they are doing. They probably don't even realize that they are advertising for these brands. So overall, the people who make these brands are making FREE money from all the FREE advertising they are getting. I see these cars everywhere! And I'm extremely tempted to just ask one of these people one day why they have a car like that, just out of curiosity. It really makes me wonder if they are or aren't getting paid for riding around in these cars.
......enough said.
Owls are my most favorite animals aside from the giraffe and the moose. I don't know what it is about owls that I love so much, I guess it's that they are so mysterious. You rarely ever see them, and if you do, it's probably hiding in a tree hole. Maybe that's what makes them so fascinating. I've sat outside several times at dusk and heard the call of several owls. They always sound so close, but I can never point out where exactly the sound is coming from. And for some reason I think my interest in owls might have come from the owl off of Harry Potter... (: or maybe it was further back for example, the owl from the Disney movie The Sword and the Stone. Either way I love olws! Im done rambling now.
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Hedwig: Harry Potter Movies |
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Archimedes: The Sword And The Stone |
Monday, October 25, 2010
Acoustic Obsession
I don't know what it is but there's just something about an acoustic guitar that mesmerizes me. Whether its listening to acoustic music, myself playing the guitar or someone else playing it, it doesn't matter I am in awe. I could just sit and listen to someone play for hours & hours & be completely content. Luckily for me my best guy friend plays the guitar, extremely well, so if I ever needed a fix, he'd play something for me. (: But that's another thing, hearing it on the phone & hearing it in person are completely different. Hearing a guitar being played right in front of you is always more appealing than hearing it over the phone. But sometimes you just have to make due with what you have. I'm not too picky!
If A Goldfish Had A Memory...
Which I think it does, maybe a minuscule one, then that's the memory I have. I have the hardest time remembering things for some reason. & I have no clue how I'm going to make it through pharmacy school with this memory. Cant seem to retain anything. Hopefully this is something that will pass with time, because I'd like to be able to recall things that people have said or done. I don't have the WORST memory. I still remember certain things, but not as much as I should be remembering. Now, what were we talking about again....?
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Consumed With Empathy
Empathy: (noun) The intellectual identification with or vicarious experiencing of the feelings, thoughts, or attitudes of another.
Is it so wrong to want to help a troubled soul when you know they're hurting? I can't help but care about people. That's just how I've always been. I'm always wanting to help someone, even if I don't know that person very well, or at all. I'm extremely observant & I see things differently than most people do. I analyze everything because I believe that everything happens for a reason. When someone's acting a certain way or saying something, its always for a reason. Most of the time that reason is hidden because people are masking their feelings. But in general I'm pretty good at figuring people out.
I feel as if I would be able to help more people if I wasn't so shy. & I have a really hard time talking to people that I don't usually talk to. Its like deep down inside I want to reach out, but I just cant. Its like I cant conquer my own fear to help others. But I'm going to try to overcome that, because all I really want to do is be of help to people who need it.
My Lack of Patience...
I have come to the conclusion that my computer is only slow for one reason: to teach me patience & maybe because it has been infected with several viruses that I can give thanks to myspace (which I no longer use) & lime wire for. My laptop has had the worst luck ever since I got it. It seems as if I'm constantly having to reset it to it's original "of out the box" state to get it back up to speed. The only bad thing about that is that I lose all of my music on itunes :|
Its gotten to the point now where I feel buying a newer laptop will fix my problems. That way I'll have a laptop strictly for music & then one for everything else i use that might contain viruses.
So overall my laptop is my main teacher of patience, which is something I don't have much of unfortunately. But I'm working on it! (:
Its gotten to the point now where I feel buying a newer laptop will fix my problems. That way I'll have a laptop strictly for music & then one for everything else i use that might contain viruses.
So overall my laptop is my main teacher of patience, which is something I don't have much of unfortunately. But I'm working on it! (:
Friday, October 8, 2010
Free Cruise Awareness
Imperial Majesty Cruise Line. To the Grand Bahamas.
I received a phone call about a promotional free cruise a couple of weeks ago. I answered about ten questions on an over-the-phone survey. After I completed the survey my call was sent to a cruise representative. They confirmed my name & best number to be reached at. I was then told that I would be contacted within the next 72 hours for confirmation of my free cruise tickets. Sounds harmless so far, right? I received the confirmation call a little over a week after the first call. This person was explaining to me all the special features of the cruise. One of the features was that I would have a total of 18 months to decide on when i wanted to take my cruise. After I listened to this 15 minute speech about how great the cruise was going to be I was asked for my credit/debit card number. Of course I asked why they needed to know that information. I was told that it was to cover the port fees and government taxes, which weren't included in the free cruise. That fee was going to be a total of $118 for two passengers. At this point i was getting a little skeptical about the whole thing & asked if I had to pay the fee at that time. So I was then sent over to a "manager" who immediately asked for my credit/debit card number. I still didn't have my question answered so I asked it once again. The response I got was that I needed to pay the fee right then & there to insure that my spot was reserved on the ship as it was on a first come first serve basis. I proceeded to give my card information to the "manager" & got halfway through with my card numbers when I hung up the phone. I had come to the conclusion that it was not a good idea.
A co-worker told me "if it sounds to good to be true, then it probably is." & this cruise definitely sounded too good to be true. So this is just a word of caution to those who may receive a call similar to this one. DO NOT FALL FOR THIS SCAM! Because in the end you will probably end up paying for the entire cruise due to the fact that you have to attend a promotional presentation that is hard to book your cruise date on.
Here is a link to some tips on how to spot a free cruise scam:
I received a phone call about a promotional free cruise a couple of weeks ago. I answered about ten questions on an over-the-phone survey. After I completed the survey my call was sent to a cruise representative. They confirmed my name & best number to be reached at. I was then told that I would be contacted within the next 72 hours for confirmation of my free cruise tickets. Sounds harmless so far, right? I received the confirmation call a little over a week after the first call. This person was explaining to me all the special features of the cruise. One of the features was that I would have a total of 18 months to decide on when i wanted to take my cruise. After I listened to this 15 minute speech about how great the cruise was going to be I was asked for my credit/debit card number. Of course I asked why they needed to know that information. I was told that it was to cover the port fees and government taxes, which weren't included in the free cruise. That fee was going to be a total of $118 for two passengers. At this point i was getting a little skeptical about the whole thing & asked if I had to pay the fee at that time. So I was then sent over to a "manager" who immediately asked for my credit/debit card number. I still didn't have my question answered so I asked it once again. The response I got was that I needed to pay the fee right then & there to insure that my spot was reserved on the ship as it was on a first come first serve basis. I proceeded to give my card information to the "manager" & got halfway through with my card numbers when I hung up the phone. I had come to the conclusion that it was not a good idea.
A co-worker told me "if it sounds to good to be true, then it probably is." & this cruise definitely sounded too good to be true. So this is just a word of caution to those who may receive a call similar to this one. DO NOT FALL FOR THIS SCAM! Because in the end you will probably end up paying for the entire cruise due to the fact that you have to attend a promotional presentation that is hard to book your cruise date on.
Here is a link to some tips on how to spot a free cruise scam:
Blogging Newbie
Yes, I'm new to the whole "blogging" thing. I figured I would start one since I have so much on my mind & this would be way more fun than keeping a journal that no one but me will see. I wanted to write about stuff that would be entertaining and/or helpful to others, but mostly stuff that just pops into my head. Even though I'm not the best writer I'm hoping that what I write makes sense to you. I always have a hard time finding words, but bear with me!
I have this notebook that I write down all my blog ideas in. & I have a feeling that its going to be something that I carry around with me 24/7. So I'm going to make this one short and sweet so I can move on to writing about something other than my reasons for wanting to blog. (:
I have this notebook that I write down all my blog ideas in. & I have a feeling that its going to be something that I carry around with me 24/7. So I'm going to make this one short and sweet so I can move on to writing about something other than my reasons for wanting to blog. (:
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